RUNit > Beta2.1> New Features

New Features
'who said it couldn't get better?'



Groups (=Submenus)
for helping you to organize the entries in your RUNit launch-menu

further organize your entries
you can create up to 8 sets of menus and assign them to different screenborders or
the keyboard

Full multiple monitor support
  hot regions on every monitor
'ResolveLink' button
  so you can safely delete the original shortcuts
'pos' button
    select startup screen position and window size of individual entries
(similar to Basta Computing's 'ZMover')
  no limit of the number of items in the RUNit list
    (OK - almost: its an INT so there can't be more than 2,147,483,647. OK - almost: the maximum size of the ini file is 64K...)
  Setup Dialog resizable
    saves you a lot of scrolling (if you got enough screen resolution)
  drag and drop of items in the SetupDialog
  option to trigger RUNit menu with left mouse button
    'left mouse setup=2'
in [options] section of ini-file
  support for dropping multiple items to the Setup dialog
  pass the path of the .ini-file as a command line parameter to RUNit.exe
    so you are no longer stuck to c:\windows\runit.ini